Monday, April 28, 2014

Insect Exploration!

Our science unit on insects has begun!  Students are enjoying hands-on learning with live specimens.  They will care for and observe behaviors, body parts, and life cycles of meal worms, milkweed bugs, crickets and butterflies.  We're looking forward to lots of fun and learning as we explore the world of insects! 
But wait . . . there's more! 

Seattle Bug Safari
is coming to our classroom!
On Wednesday, May 28th, the "Insect Man" will bring his "traveling tour" of bugs.  We will learn about many different exotic insects, arachnids, millipedes and centipedes.  It is truly a fascinating experience to observe the student engagement and wonder!  
You are welcome to send in a $3.00 donation to contribute to the cost of this event.
Thank you!  

   Nonfiction Digital Presentation Night!
 Manatee students will soon begin a nonfiction (informational and procedural) writing unit.  They will learn  about nonfiction text features and author's purpose.
This year, the first and second graders will be creating different forms of nonfiction writing.  
The first graders will produce Informational Reports using Keynote presentations, an ipad version of power point.   
The second graders will work to create procedural "How-to" power point presentations.  
Students will demonstrate their informational expertise at an evening presentation on Thursday, May 29, at 6:00   The Red Group (first graders) will be in the classroom.  The Blue Group (second graders) will be in the library.  This is the last Manatee evening event of the year. Hope you can attend!

Upcoming Events

Grandparent's Day                                       Wednesday, April 30
Miss Lawrence's Last Day                           Thursday, May 8
Math Rocks                                                  Thursday, May 8, 5:30 - 7:00 
No School (Memorial Day)                           Monday, May 26 
Volunteer Breakfast                                     Wednesday, May 28
Seattle Bug Safari                                        Wednesday, May 28, 12:45
Field Day                                                      Wednesday, June 11
Last Day of School (Early Release 12:15)   June 19th

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