Sunday, May 20, 2012

End of Year Count Down!

Our school year is coming to an end . . .
23 days and counting! 
We are working hard to make the most of every day. 

How-To Digital Presentation Night!

 Students are working hard on their procedural "How-to" digital presentations.  On Thursday, June 14, at 6:00, we will be presenting How-to digital presentations. This event culminates our nonfiction unit, where students have learned about nonfiction text features and author's purpose. Students are demonstrating their "how-to" expertise in the classroom as we photograph each step. This will enable their photos to be inserted into their step-by-step presentations.  Students then type How-to directions into power point slides or Prezi presentations.  These will be demonstrated by your child. This is the last Manatee evening event for the year. Hope you can attend!

End of Year Classroom Party!

Come help us celebrate the year with a slide show
and student  "tropies" (Manatee Tin-Canatees). 
Be sure to bring your camera! 
Wednesday, June 20 at 1:30

End of Year BBQ - Yahoo!

Come and celebrate the end of the school year with a class barbeque at Olman Point beach on Friday, June 22 at 1:00.  
The location is on Case Inlet, with a 1/4 mile long sandspit, and view of the Olympic Mountains. It's a fun place to make memories. Bring the whole family!

Directions begin at Purdy Elementary School, so make adjustments for your needs. When you turn onto 189th Ave, continue down the hill until you see the beach, then drive through the gate and park.

We will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers. We need two or three volunteers to help with cooking. Please bring a potluck dish. You should also bring water shoes for your children, as the beach is rocky and at low tide there are barnacles. If the weather is nice, they may need bathing suits or shorts. Bring a change of dry clothes for them to change into after their chilly salt-water experience. You may also want to bring beach chairs, a blanket, towels, buckets for collecting treasures, and sunscreen. Oh, and don’t forget the camera!  See you there!

Upcoming School Events:

May 25 Early dismissal at noon

May 28 Memorial Day - No School

May 30 Volunteer Breakfast 8:30 - 9:45

June 13 Field Day

June 21 Last Day of School - early dismissal at noon

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