Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Fall!

Pet Rocks

This year our students are absolutely fascinated with rocks and minerals.  They have been collecting, sharing, and writing about their love of rocks.  So, as a class, we are going to revel in the world of Pet Rocks! 
This week each student will receive a river rock to design and create their very own pet rock.  They will name their rocks, write about their rocks,  and take digital pictures to create a Rock Hall of Fame.  We will also estimate, weigh, compare and then chart each rock's size and weight.  And of course we'll read lots of books and sing lots of songs about rocks. 
If you, or anyone you know, has a rock/mineral collection, we invite you to the classroom to share your knowledge. 

Box Tops!
Please send your box tops in.
They can be found on these products.
The Deadline is Friday, October 14th.

Money Savvy Kids
Our class will be starting the Money Savvy Kids Program soon.  The Department of Finance created this program to help "kids get smart about money."   

"Designed for children ages six to eleven, Money Savvy Kids @Home is the perfect starting point to teach a child how to get smart about money. Leading the way is the award-winning, interactive Money Savvy Pig piggy bank which helps children explore such topics as the history of money, where does money come from, the importance of earning money and, of course, the four basic money management choices: Save, Spend, Donate and Invest."   For more information, go to Money Savvy Kids.

Family Photos

Please send a family photo in with your child before Friday, October 14th.  They will  keep it at school and use it to create a collage of their favorite things.  Thanks!

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, October 18th - Picture Day!

Friday, October 28th - Fall Festival, 6:00 - 8:30

Monday, October 31st - Manatee Craft Event 1:30 - 2:15
                                         Halloween Parade 2:40 - 3:10
Please do not send your child to school with costumes containing weapons, masks or inappropriate slogans.  Thank you.

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