Thursday, January 28, 2010

February Events

Field Trip - Thursday, February 11th

Please have your students at school by 9:00, as our bus is leaving promptly at 9:10.  After the play, we will be stopping for lunch at Godfather's Pizza in Tacoma.  Please send $4.00 with your child to pay for their lunch. 

Valentine's Day

On Friday, February 12, from 2:25 to 3:25 the Manatee class will have a Valentine's Day party.  Students will enjoy cherry floats and decorate cupcakes and/or cookies while they open their Valentine's cards.
*This year we are having a Valentine's mailbox decorating contest.  Students will use a shoe box to decorate their box at home.  Everyone will receive a prize.  If you are unable to locate a shoe box, or need support with creating a box, let us know.  We are happy to help. 
A class list will go home in the Wednesday Go-Home Folders next Wednesday.  It helps reduce stress if students address a few cards each night.  Please contact Jocelyn Norris at 
or Karen Walker at if you would like to volunteer to help with the party. 

Upcoming Events:

100th Day of School                              Thursday, Feb 25
Dr. Seuss Day (Read Across America)       Tuesday, Mar 2
Cinderellabration (Evening Event)            Friday, Mar 4, 6:30